Sunday, April 12, 2009

It's an old entry I decided to move over. My review on the Doctor Who finale and Stargate: Continuum.

Warning: not edited. Expect grammatical errors.
Just saw Stargate: Continuum last night. I'm not quite sure what to think of it. There was a lot more blood and gore in it: ex. Apofis getting the top of his head sliced off, Baal bleeding out on the pel'tak (in the background), and staff wounds (they smoke now). Then there's the climax (scroll down if you haven't seen it and plan to, otherwise read on). We've seen this number before in the episode "2010": everyone dramatically dying in an attempt to fix the timeline. We've seen them do the team's deaths in slow motion before. More anticlimactic, if you ask me.
On the bright side, there's Jack! Yay!
However, the whole thing seemed a bit rushed and short on action. "Ark of Truth" kicks its tail in this regard. I mean, which would you rather see: Cam trying to beat a Replicator/Terminator thing in melee combat before the Ori blow up the ship, or Daniel and Cam standing there shooting at Jaffa who always beam into the exact same spot?
That reminds me, why doesn't it occur to anyone to (a) pick up the Jaffa's guns (especially Daniel, who runs out of ammo) or (b) try to break the platform? And while we're at it, why doesn't the ring platform on the flagship have redial? Teal'c goes through, and Qetesh just goes "Oh well, he's gone. Can't do anything, even though I know he'll try to come after me." Anyway, I'd rather watch Ark of Truth any day.

While I'm here, how about the Doctor Who finale? (Not that I know any of my friends watches it.) El lame-o.
1. Did Rose have that stupid lisp before? And am I the only one that thinks Billie Piper is ugly?
2. Go home, Jack, you pervert. I never want to see you again.
3. We won't see Grandpa again. He is so much COOLER than Donna. I mean, he's got guts enough to attack a stinkin' Dalek with a paintball gun (and hit it in the right spot) in defense of his wife, who he'd be better off without. That constitutes awesome.
4. Too much technobabble. But let's get one thing straight. there's good and bad technobabble. Stargate and Star Trek (especially TNG and VOY) did it well; it made sense and sounded futuristic. They would use actual particles (some of the time) and continue to use them so that we got a good idea of what they do: veterons could shred warpcores, and tachion eddies, while innocuous to larger ships, could send small star-sailers lightyears.
Doctor Who can't technobabble to save its life. Theirs sounds like a random word generator on fast forward. You can't make out the words, and if you could, they'd be total nonsense. Nonsense does not a good climax make.
5. Plothole: Why would you blow up the whole multiverse? What could you use to expand and feed everyone? And once you finally eradicate everything else, what do you do then? Mill about and play canasta? Davros, you're an idiot.


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